Tuesday, June 30, 2009

kadyb week5 summary

Wow, here we are at the end of our challenge!

My week was difficult, since I was trying to wrap things up at work in preparation for taking 10 weeks off, and at the same time, I was trying to prepare our family for my taking 10 weeks off... We got some great veggies from our farm share bag, and we enjoyed those for a few days.

So here are my results:
Tuesday - 13 pts
Wednesday - 13 pts
Thursday - 13 pts
Friday - 13 pts
Saturday - 0 pts
Sunday - 1 pt
Monday - 2 pts

Saturday we started out on our big adventure, and as I've realized before, it is really hard to be wheat-free or to find very many veggies when you're on the road. I was supposed to put some veggies in the ice chest, but I forgot them. So I was a failure on Saturday, unless the pickles in the tartar sauce count as a veggie. :)

Extra points: 15 for the challenge

Total for the week: 70

Hope you all have a great summer - keep up the good work!

1 comment:

  1. I came to Utah, I conquered, I left. I can't believe how fast the time went!

    But I forgot to get in contact with you while I was there! My address is:

    29055 Canyon Rim Dr
    Portola Hills, CA 92679

    I'm excited I earned a prize! Sorry to take so long to get back with you!
